Monday, December 30, 2019

Try Out These One-Minute Resume Improvements

Try Out These One-Minute Resume ImprovementsTry Out These One-Minute Resume ImprovementsBlood, sweat, and (yes, a whole lot of) tears may have gone into making your resume as awesome as it possibly can be. And yet, you might still not be getting the bites you were expecting. If the idea of rewriting your resume all over again has you breaking out in hives, try out unterstellung one-minute resume improvements inspired from the Novoresume infographic. It just might help you get hiredOne-Minute Resume ImprovementsMake your email professional. Youve had your email address since your college days, but isnt going to snag you many job offers. Try to make your email as professional as possible by using both your first and your last name (e.g.,, as opposed to Better yet, if you already have a website that you use as your professional portfolio, use the email associated with that site to present an even more polished image.Keep it sh ort- but not too short. You only have one page to impress a potential employer, so you might feel tempted to squeeze as many words into your resume as possible. Thing is, no employer is going to like it if ur 2 busy to spell out ur words. Avoid acronyms, abbreviations, and other shortcuts, since they will lower the overall quality of your resume.Add in your title.Job seekers sometimes include an objective statementon their resume to let a hiring manager know what type of job theyre looking for. But objectives take up a whole lot of space, and you need to make sure that every inch of your resume includes information that will get you hired. In lieu of an objective, add a title underneath your name. It will alert your reader to the type of role youre looking for in a more concise manner.Include your contact information.Imagine going to all the trouble of making your resume as clean as possible- and then forgetting to include contact information Whether its at the top, bottom, or side of your resume, be sure to include this important info. This includes your address, phone number, email, and website (if applicable).That way, you can ensure that the person reading your resume will be able to get in contact with you. Equally important is including your social media profiles, since its estimated that most hiring managers and employers will check out a job candidates social media presence before calling them in for an interview. Adding yours right onto your resume conveys that you, ahem, have nothing to hide.Picture it- or not.Depending on the country youre from (and if youre applying for a remote job, the country where the companys headquarters are), you may or may not want to include a picture of yourself on your resume. According to the infographic, in the U.S. and the UK, a photo isnt warranted, but it is accepted in Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia (its optional in Australia). If you choose to include a pic, make sure that its a professio nal one. It should be well-lit, and show you wearing attire thats appropriate for the job youre applying for.Make it colorful.Typically, your resume will be a white page with black type. But for some industries, you might want to add a pop of color. Keep in mind that the hues you choose should be easily readable on a computer screen. For example, some people have a hard time reading a black document with white type. And fields like banking and law often opt for more conservative colors, like black type.LOOKING TO IMPROVE YOUR RESUME? BOOK AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CAREER COACHES

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